the appropriate location in the file. You should have no trouble 
      booting "Graphics Grabber" from any copy of GEOS now.
      A good Snapshot type utility is helpful for some of the latest 
      applications (GEOfile etc...). They will inevitably place the 
      protection in screen memory and the snapshotter can capture that 
      code for your casual viewing.

                           DEEP SPACE : SIR TECH
      Loading the original produces a rattle-free load, and an error 
      scan shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64 Fast
      Copier produces a non working backup. A backup made with a nybbler 
      produces the same non working backup. Before starting, make a fast 
      copy using the C-64 Fast Copier and use the Disk Logger to log the 
      Working with your backup:
      1) The disk log shows us that the boot file "DS" loads into memory 
         from $0302 to $09EB. This means that it starts in the autoboot
         area and runs through screen memory and into BASIC RAM. Load the
         boot and you will see the screen react and the program will fail
         in the first few seconds. This means the protection is probably
         in the boot file.
      2) Turn off the computer and insert Hesmon. X to Basic and load the
         boot file < LOAD "DS",8,1 >. When the program stalls, hit 
         < RUNSTOP/RESTORE > to activate the monitor. Interpret memory 
         starting at $0801 < I 0801 > because this is the beginning of 
         BASIC RAM. Scroll down through memory and notice the BASIC
         program there. The Boot starts at the autostart vectors for 
         BASIC and continues on to place a BASIC boot in memory. This is
         a good way to hide it from the average person. Type < X > to 
         return to BASIC and type < LIST > to see the boot. Inspection 
         shows that this is the protection check as well as the loader.
      3) Lets go through the code line by line:
         1. Lock up the keyboard and set number of trys to 0.
         2. Initialize the drive.
         3. Send Memory-Writes to the drive locations $06/$07 which 
            represent the Track and Sector read into $0300 in the drive.
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [100]    (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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