bytes intact. A simple way is the byte swap. The code contains many
branch instructions. What if we swapped a BEQ (branch-if-equal) and
a BNE (branch-if-not-equal) instruction at just the right place?
Experimentation will reveal that swapping the branch opcodes at
$803C and $804B will force the code to go to $8064.
Write this change to Track/Sector 35/0 using Disk Doctor from
the Utility Disk. Load "GEOS" and boot "Graphics Grabber" (the only
protected application on the disk). The protection fails. Look at
the code at $8061-$8065 again. There are two sets of LDA
instructions there, each loading a different value. Why not try
another byte swap? Switch the two bytes that are being loaded at
$8061-$8065. Now it will be forced to load a different value. Make
this change to sector 0 on track 35. You should now have both sets
of byte swaps written to 35/0. Boot "Graphics Grabber" again. This
time it installs successfully. But you still can't use it with a
different GEOS, only the copy from which it was installed.
The serial number check is really the toughest part of some of
the applications. Writer's Workshop and GEOdex both try to disguise
the call to "GetSerialNumber", an internal GEOS routine ($C196). One
uses encryption and the other uses GEOS's "CallRoutine" which does
an indirect JSR (Jump-To-Subroutine) to the serial number routine.
An additional problem is that GEOS workspace starts at $0400 in
memory, which the C64 normally uses as screen memory. Resetting the
computer will lose all the code located from $0400-$0800. Yet
another problem is that some of the applications are stored in VLIR
(variable length indexed record) files, which are split into
multiple parts and special modifications have to be made to the
directory to load these files like normal programs. We'll save
these for a future exercise.
Deskpak I's serial number check is conveniently located at $2362
on our version. To catch this code, reset the computer while the
application is loading. Load the "49152" monitor and disassemble
the code at $2362. You'll see this same routine in most of the
Berkeley applications. It first checks to see if the serial number
is zero. If it is, it executes the install routine that we disabled
earlier (the GetBlock and checksum routine starts at $2448). If the
serial number is there, it branches to $240D and checks the serial
number in GEOS to see if it matches. If it doesn't, it displays a
Dialogue Box asking you to reboot with the correct GEOS.
The whole protection and serial number check can be disabled
rather simply by placing a CLC (clear-carry-flag) and RTS
(return-from-subroutine) instruction at the top of the code
($2362). On our version of Deskpak I, the location on the original
is Track/Sector 12/18, byte position #156 ($9C). You might have to
calculate the position or do a manual search of the file to track
down the offending code. Write byte values 24 ($18) and 96 ($60) to
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