37/Sector 0).
         4. Send Memory-Write to drive location $00 (Job Queue) $B0
            (dec 176) = Seek any Sector.
         5. Set up Memory Read loop of drive location $00.
         6. Get value at $00.
         7. Set a numerical value for E (M-R value). If trys=500 then 
            test for protection pass.
         8. If E has not been read in as an error code ($01-$10) then try
            all over again.
         9. Initialize, close channels, and test E for $01; job completed
            successfully, and if so then branch to line 10 (pass
            protection). If not, goto line 10 and crash.
        10. Jump to $02A7 and crash (because no loader has been poked in.)
        11. Poke in a loader and JUMP to it.
      4) Armed with this information, the way to break this code easily 
         is to delete line 10. One way to do that is to put a REM right
         after the 10 which will nullify the whole line. The REM
         instruction is actually represented by one byte called a token.
         It is a 143 in decimal. We can easily install the byte with
         Disk Doctor.
      5) From the Utility Disk, load Disk Doctor < LOAD "DISK D*",8 > and
         < RUN >. At Track/Sector 18/1 Cursor to position 3 and < j > 
         Jump to the first sector of the DS file.  Use the < n > key to
         follow the file to Track/Sector 31/4. Cursor to position 232 and
         use the < @ > key to change the Poke byte to a REM with a 143.
         Hit < r and y > to rewrite the sector.
         You'll find that the backup works perfectly now and can probably
         be file copied.
                         GRAPHICS INTEGRATOR II : INKWELL
      Loading the original produces a rattle-free load, and an error
      scan shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64 Fast
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [101]    (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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