instruction and replace it with two NOPs. < A 9B06 NOP > ,
          < A 9B07 NOP > .
      14) Type < H 0800 BFFF 58 FF >. Monitor finds: 14AC A5E7.
      15) First, disassemble a few bytes before $14AC, say at $14A3. You
          will discover a routine that looks something like the following
            LDX #$09 
            LDA $14B3,X 
            EOR #$FF 
            STA $FF58,X
          Notice that this routine decrypts a sequence of bytes beginning
          at $14B3 by EOR'ing it with the value of #$FF and stores it in
          hi-memory hidden beneath the Kernal ROMs.  The routine itself
          breaks into the IRQ routine and checks the dongle bit every
          time the IRQ routine pointed to by vector $0314-0315 is
          executed. To see the decrypted code, you will have to point the
          routine to a location in RAM that is easily visible, say $0801
          (FF58 = 0801).  If you do, be sure to start the break procedure
          over, for you will have corrupted our work up till now.
      16) To "trick" the routine into thinking that the dongle is always
          in, type < M 14B3 > .  The monitor should return a sequence of
          8 bytes.
      17) Edit the 4th byte over (should be $EF) and change it to $FF.
      18) Next, disassemble memory a few bytes before $A5E7 by typing
          < D A5E1 >. Use cursor-down to display the next 14 or 15

      The monitor should show you something like:
            LDX #$09 
            ADC $FF58,X
      19) This group of instructions is simply a checksum check of the
          IRQ dongle-check routine we just finished working with. In
          other words, they are "double-checking" their protection code.
          Find the instruction that compares the checksum value in the
          accumulator with a set value. Notice the BEQ immediately
          afterwards that bypasses protection failure. Simply change
          CMP #$5A with LDA #$00. We have just set the zero flag
          permanently, and the routine is tricked.
      20) Now that we have finished removing all the dongle-check
          routines, we need to re-save the two files to your backup disk.
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [81]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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