Loading the original produces a rattle free load, and an error
scan shows a number twenty error on track 32, sector 16. A backup
made with the C-64 Fast Copier provides a non-working backup.
Nybble utilities are capable of providing a backup. Before
starting to work on this title, please make a Three Minute Backup,
and do a disk log (print-out is best).
Working with your backup:
1) Let's begin our break by preparing the backup to receive the
changes we will be making. From your utility disk, load the
NAME/ID Changer and rename and re-ID your backup. Be sure to use
five figures in the new ID. For example, you could name the
backup BODY TRANS and number it BT-2A. This will make the
directory listable.
2) Because this program does not use directory files to store
information, we run the risk of overwriting program code when we
save our changes to the backup. There is a sure way to avoid
this. That is to allocate or use all available blocks in the
BAM. What we are going to do is fool the drive into believing
that there are no blocks free on the disk. When we scratch a
file, the blocks used by THAT file will become free for use.
Then when we save that file back to the disk, they will be
placed on the exact same blocks that they came from.
3) From the utility disk, load and run DISK DR. Place the backup in
the drive and press RETURN to get to track 18, sector 1. Press -
to go to track 18, sector 0. This is the BAM Sector and here is
where we will allocate all blocks. Use the cursor key to cursor
to position 4 (all references will be in decimal). With the
cursor on position 4 press the @ key and then press 0. Repeat
the @ key and 0 key until all values from position 4 through 71
are changed to zero. This takes care of tracks 1 through 17. Now
cursor over to position 76 and do the same changes from position
76 through 143. This will take care of tracks 19 through 35.
Now, to make the changes to the disk, press R and then Y and hit
RETURN. The new BAM is now on the backup. Your backup is now
ready to receive new information. Load the directory and check
it. You should have a listable directory with zero blocks free.
Working with your original:
4) Turn off the computer and insert the reset assembly into the
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