complete, we can start our inspection at $9403.

      3) Because this file occupies memory in the BASIC interpreter
         ($A000-$BFFF), we have to turn BASIC off. This can be
         accomplished by changing $0001 from a 37 (77 on the C-128) to a
         36 (76 on the C-128). Use the MEMORY command to make your
         changes . When done, start disassembly at $9403
         . You'll find a decryption scheme at this location
         ($9403-$9412) that is the heart of this protection scheme (see
         the Introduction). Make sure your ORIGINAL has a write protect
         tab on it and is in the drive. Start the program working by
         typing G 9403 and hit RETURN. The drive should start up and a
         few moments later, the game menu should come on the screen. At
         this point, reset your computer and remove the original disk
         from the drive. From the utility disk, reboot the $C000 monitor
         and sys it in again (SYS 49152). Again turn off BASIC. Now place
         your formatted work disk in the drive and save the changed code
         from $9403-$9512 <> S "SECTOR",08,9403,9512 <>. When the save
         is complete, remove the work disk from the drive.

      Working with your backup:

      4) Complete the break by following the steps below.

       A) Reset the computer. Place your backup in the drive and
          scratch the PITS file <> OPEN15,8,15,"S0:PITS" <>. Re-SYS the
          monitor back in (SYS 49152).

       B) From the original disk, load the PITS file <> L "PITS",08 <>.

       C) From the work disk, load the saved SECTOR file
          <> L "SECTOR",08 <>. This will lay the code retrieved from
          the break process over the encrypted protection check code.

       D) Turn off BASIC again as described above.

       E) Place your backup in the drive and save the PITS file now in
          memory <> S "PITS",08,1000,C000 <>.

      Your backup is now broken. All that's left is to repair the
      directory. This can be accomplished easily with the NAME/ID
      CHANGER on the utility disk. Be sure to use five figures in the new
      ID number. For example, you could name the disk PITSTOP and
      renumber it PS-II. When this is complete, you can view the
      directory and file copy this title.

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [48]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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