dongle-related checksumming problem.)
21) Now that all the dongle-check routines in these files have been
removed, we need to re-save the two files to our backup:
< S"@0:L",08,081D,3FFF > < S"@0:S",08,6E00,9FFF >
22) There are two other dongle-routines that need to be changed on
the Tenth Frame disk. The only problem is that they reside in
a file called "P", which loads underneath the KERNAL ROM. There
is no way to use our monitors to view, change and re-save this
file. Instead, load the Disk Doctor utility by typing
< LOAD "DISK D*",8 > and then < RUN >.
23) Insert your backup copy of Tenth Frame and press . Use
the < B > command to read Track 20, Sector 1. Use the cursor
keys to move to position 63. Using the < @ > command, change
the byte value (48) to 32. Re-write the sector with the < r >
command. Then use < + > key to read Track 20, Sector 2. Move
cursor to position 150. Change byte value (15) to 7. Re-write
the sector with the < r > command.
24) Let's investigate why we made the changes in the "P" file. From
the $C000 (49152) monitor, load the "P" file from your backup
copy by typing <> L "P",08 <>.
25) Since the "P" file resides in memory from $E000-$FEBF, it is
now residing in the RAM that is "hidden" beneath the KERNAL
ROM's ($E000-SFFFF). Our monitor won't let us view the RAM, so
we need to write a short ML program to transfer $E000-$FFFF
down to lower memory from $4000-$5FFF so we can look at the "P"
Type in the following routine starting at $0334:
A 0334 SEI
0335 LDA #$35
0337 STA $01
0339 LDX #$00
033B LDA $E000,X
033E STA $4000,X
0341 INX
0342 BNE $033B
0344 INC $0340
0347 INC $033D
034A BNE $033B
034C LDA #$37
034E STA $01
0350 BRK
25) Type < G 0334 > to execute the routine.
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