16) Next, disassemble memory a few bytes before $A6F4 by typing
          < D A6FO >. Use cursor/down to display the next 14 or 15
          bytes. The monitor should show you something like:
          LDX #$09
          ADC $FF58,X
      17) This group of instructions is simply a checksum check of the
          IRQ dongle-check routine we just finished working with. In
          other words, they are "double-checking" their protection code.
          Find the instruction that compares the checksum value in the
          accumulator with a set value. Notice the 'BEQ' immediately
          afterwards that bypasses protection failure. Simply change 'CMP
          #$5A' with 'LDA #$00'. We have just set the zero flag
          permanently, and the routine is tricked.
      18) Now that we have finished removing all the dongle-check
          routines, we need to re-save the two files to your backup disk.
          Type: < S"@0:L",08,081D,3E33 > < S"@0:H",08,9280,AB9B >
      19) You now have a dongle-free backup of Leaderboard. It may be
          archived using any simple data copier. Note: The parameter
          LEADERB. PARM 1 represents this particular break method.
          LEADERB. PARM 2 is a variation of this break and can be run on
          a backup and examined with the monitor.

      Use the C-64 Fast Copier utility to make an exact data-copy of
      the original. This backup will run like the original ONLY if the
      dongle is in place. The following procedure will eliminate all
      Working with your backup:
      1) Turn on your computer and from the Utility Disk, load the Disk
         Logger by typing < LOAD "DISK LOGGER",8 >. Then type RUN.
         Insert your backup copy of Executive Leaderboard #1 in the drive
         and log it. The two files on the disk that contain code that
         check for the dongle are called "L" and "H". Take note of the
         addresses in memory where these programs reside:

         "L"  $081D - $3FAF

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [79]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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