dongle bit. In the following pages you will find instructions on
      how to disable the checks in four programs. These should give you
      the insight necessary to continue on your own.
      Use the C-64 Fast Copier utility to make an exact data-copy of
      the original. This backup will run like the original ONLY if the
      dongle is in place. The following procedure will eliminate all
      Working with your backup:
      1) Turn on your computer and from the Utility Disk, load the Disk
         Logger by typing < LOAD "DISK LOGGER",8 >. Then type RUN.
         Insert your backup copy of Leaderboard in the drive and log it.
         The two files on the disk that contain code that check for the
         dongle are called "L" and "H". Take note of the addresses in
         memory where these programs reside:
         "L"  $081D - $3E32
         "H"  $9280 - $AB9A
      This information is important since we need to load a
      machine-language monitor into memory where these programs
      aren't! We can choose from one of three monitors ($2000 = 8192,
      $8000 = 32768, or $C000 = 49152). The monitor at $C000 does not
      conflict with Leaderboard memory, so let's use it.

      2) Turn on the computer again and load the $C000 monitor from your
         utility disk < LOAD "49152",8,1 > followed by < SYS 49152 > to
         execute it.
      3) To start with a clean slate, let's clear out all memory below
         the monitor by typing < F 0800 BFFF EA >
      4) From the monitor, we must load the two Leaderboard files. Insert
         your backup copy in the drive and load both files: < L "H",08 >
         and < L "L",08 >
      5) Since the "H" file resides in the RAM underneath the BASIC ROMS
         ($A000-$BFFF), we have to use the bank select bits to bank out
         the ROM and bank in the RAM so we can view the "H" file code.
         Using the memory command, change location $0001 to 36 (76 on the
         128) < M 0001 >.

      6) Now we will began searching for the certain "dongle-check" byte

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [77]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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