the disk as a part of your preparation.

      Working with your backup:
      1) Load Disk Doctor from the Utility Disk, and inspect Track
         18/Sector 1. You should find this sector to be normal. Use the -
         key to go to Track 18/Sector 0. You'll find the NAME and ID
         number to be corrupted. One way to repair it is as follows:
         Cursor to position 144 and type  for text mode. In this mode
         type FALKLANDS followed by shifted spaces (decimal 160) to
         position 162. Now type FL/82 and hit RETURN. Write these changes
         to the backup by typing  followed by a . Now take a look
         at position 2. Anything other than a capital A in that spot will
         prevent you from writing to the disk. You must cursor up to
         position 2 and hit  for text mode then type A to that
         position. Hit  for rewrite and  for yes. Lastly while at
         this sector hit  to go to the next sector in the directory.
         You'll find that it goes to Track 18/Sector 1. Continue hitting
         n to go to each linked sector in the directory. You'll find
         every sector to be normal with the last directory sector at
         Track 18/Sector 4. Now power down and load and check the
         directory. The file names should be present. Validate the disk
         and then using the disk logger, log the file addresses.
      2) With Hesmon in the cartridge port, load the boot file
         < L "Firebird",08 >. At the end of the load, Disassemble code at
         $02A7  and using the cursor down key, scroll down
         through memory. The code highlights are:
         A) D 02C6 : JSR FF90 (control load messages)
         B] D 02CF : JSR FFBA (set logical addresses)
         C] D 02D8 : JSR FFBD (set file name:3 characters located at
                     $02C1: Use Interpret command to see  the file
                     name GM1.
         D] D 02F1 : JSR FFD5 (load into ram)
         E] D 02FD : JMP C000 (Jump to location $C000.)
      3) We now know that the next file loaded in is GM1 and that the
         code at $C000 is the jump link. Load the GM1 file as
         < L "GM1",08 >. Cursor down and start disassembly of code at

       A] Disassemble code at $C000 < D C000 >. You'll find a Jump to
          $C00F. Cursor down and inspect the code from $C00F-$C029.
          This code represents the key to the protection. This
          particular code can be found in many similar titles and the

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [73]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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