Track 18/Sector 0
                Title    Sh/Spaces  ID       Sh/Space  2A       Sh/Spaces
        Pos:    144-159  160-161    162-163  164       165-166  167-170

                 Track  18/Sector    1-18
        Program  Track    Sector     Title        # of
        Type                                    Sectors

        2       *   3    *   4    *    5-20     *  30
        34      *  35    *  36    *   37-52     *  62
        66      *  67    *  68    *   69-84     *  94
        98      *  99    * 100    * 101-116     * 126
        130     * 131    * 132    * 133-148     * 158
        162     * 163    * 164    * 165-180     * 190
        194     * 195    * 196    * 197-212     * 222
        226     * 227    * 228    * 229-244     * 254

        ARTIST 64 : WIGMORE


        Loading the original disk reveals the GMA symbol on the opening
        loader screen. A fast copy when booted, locks up the drive and
        sends it into an endless spin. Before starting, make a fast copy
        using our C-64 Fast Copy. Repair the directory according to the
        step one instructions and then validate the disk. Finally, a disk
        log may be helpful.

        Working with your backup:

        1) Load Disk Doctor from the Utility Disk, and inspect Track
        18/Sector 1. You should find this sector to be normal. Use the -
        key to go to Track 18/Sector 0. You'll find the NAME and ID
        number to be corrupted. One way to repair it is as follows:
        Cursor to position 144 and type  for text mode. In this mode
        type ARTIST 64 followed by shifted spaces (decimal 160) to
        position 162. Now type AR/64 and hit RETURN. Write these changes
        to the backup by typing  followed by a . Lastly while at
        this sector hit  to go to the next sector in the directory.

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [66]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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