Working with your backup:

        5) Our task now is to transfer the code in the BLOCK file to
        the backup disk in the proper location. Here's the procedure. Power
        off and on again. Load the Disk Dr from the Utility Disk and RUN
        it < LOAD "DISK DOCTOR",8,1 >. Using the - command from Disk
        Dr, search from Track 18/Sector 0 backwards one sector at a
        time. You'll be looking for the Sector that contains
        8D 5A 0D A9 81 85 02 as it's first seven bytes ($0F00 in Memory)
        and 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 as it's first seven bytes ($1000 in
        Memory). This search is time consuming but necessary. You will
        find that $0F00-$0FFF will be at Track 17/Sector 19 and
        $1000-$10FF at Track 17/Sector 6. Thus the code must be placed
        at Track 17/Sector 19 Position $13 (19 in decimal) and continues
        on to Track 17/Sector 6 position $00 to end.

        6) Using Hesmon, convert our BLOCK start and end addresses to
        decimal. $0F13 = 3859 and $1013 = 4115. Power down and remove
        Hesmon. Now let's begin creating the parameter that will lay
        down the saved code in the proper location on the backup for us.
        Follow these instructions precisely.

          A) From the work disk load the BLOCK file < LOAD "BLOCK",8,1 >

          B) Type NEW and hit RETURN.

          C) From the Utility Disk load the PARM TEMPLATE
             < LOAD "PARM TEMPLATE",8 >

          D) List out the template and inspect. Start the data maker by
             typing GOTO600.

          E) Hit RETURN to continue. Enter Start as 3859 and END as 4115.

          F) Record the number of bytes for use later (257 bytes) and hit

          G) The datamaker will now PEEK memory where our BLOCK is stored
             and convert the bytes to data statements in decimal.

          H) When the program ends, LIST again. Edit line 5 for the
             desired title.

          I) List out line 100 and Edit: TR=17:SE=19:FB=19:NB=237 /
             Tr=TRack(17), SE=SEctor(19), FB=First Byte Position (19),
             NB=NUmber of bytes (237) <256 - 19 = 237>. Hit RETURN to lock in.

          J) Type a 101 over the 100 in line 100 and Edit
             TR=17:SE=6:FB=00:NB=20 / Tr=TRack(17),
             SE=SEctor(6), FB=First

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [63]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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