the routine that either does a JSR or a JMP to the protection
routine at $9626. Again change the $0001 address to $36 and use
the HUNT command to search for a JSR 9626 or a JMP 9626 < H 0800
BFFF 20 26 96 >, and < H 0800 BFFF 4C 26 96 >. You should get a
76A1 returned. Disassembly of $76A1 shows a JSR 9626.
Occasionally you will have to change the JSR (20) to a JMP (4C)
or completely erase it with NOP's EA EA EA. As before, record
the bytes at $7600 so we may find the sector containing this
code on the disk. $7600= 2F 5D 11 D0 BE 20 D0 BE. Again power
down and on again and load the Disk Dr from the Utility disk.
Search the first bytes of each sector until you locate the
desired pattern. We found it at Track 19/Sector 10. The 20 26 96
bytes are located at position $A1 (72 in decimal).
8) Reload the TEST parameter for another change. List out line
100. Type a 99 over the 100 in line 100 and Edit
Tr=19:SE=10:FB=72:NB=03 (Tr=TRack(19), SE=SEctor(10), FB=First
Byte Position (72), NB=NUmber of bytes (03) ). Hit
RETURN to lock in. Finally add a new data statement. In a clear
spot, type: < 1900 DATA 234,234,234 > and hit RETURN. Again,
save the new parm to the work disk < SAVE "TEST 2",8 >. Run the
parameter on the backup again. This time you'll find it works
fine. This title although not file copyable is completely void
of copy protection. Note: if you are confused as to how the
parameter should look after you're done, list out the Express
Raider parm from the Utility disk and list it out. It may become
a little clearer to you.
Loading the original disk produces a rattle free load, and an
error scan shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64
Fast Copier produces a non working copy, A backup made with a
nybbler produces the same non working backup. Before starting to
work on this title, make a fast-copier backup and a formatted work
disk. Because the only file on the directory of this title is the
loader, special procedures will be required. You will need a reset
button of some sort.
Working with your backup:
1) With the reset switch in place, load the backup three or
four times to get the feel of when the program stalls. When you have
gotten the timing down, try to reset the computer just before
that stall occurs. You will hear the head swing out if you are
too late. We want to reset just before it does. After reset,
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