7) One way to break this code is to write a simple routine to place
an $FF in drive location $01FF and return to the programming
that sent it in the first place. This is accomplished simply.
Cursor down to a clear spot and go into the ASSEMBLY mode by
typing . Here's the code:
A C000 LDA #$FF (A9 FF)
A C002 STA 01FF (8D FF 01)
A C005 RTS (60)
When done, cursor down to a clear spot and disassemble at $C000
< D C000 > to see the bytes needed. You'll find the following six
bytes: A9 FF 8D FF 01 60. You can use the hex to decimal
converter in Hesmon to convert the bytes to decimal
<$A9 RET, and so on>. You'll find that the following is the
decimal equivalent: 169 255 141 255 01 96.
8) From the Utility Disk, load and run the Disk Doctor. Place the
backup in the drive and using the b [b] command read in Track
35/Sector 10. Starting at position $00, write in the six bytes.
You may use the @ command to write them one at a time in Decimal
(169 255 141 255 01 96). When the changes have been made, hit r
to rewrite the block and y for yes. This title is now
broken from protection, and may be fast copied. Because of the
Block Execute to Track 35/Sector 10, you may not file copy this
title. The drive code, even though broken, must be in place on
the disk.
Loading the original produces a rattle-free load, and an error
scanner shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64 Fast
Copier produces a non-working copy. A nybbled backup produces the
same non-working copy. Before starting to work on this program,
please make a (non-working) backup of the original, and a disk log
to log the file addresses.
1) Turn off your computer and insert your reset button assembly
into the cartridge port. Turn on the computer again. Load the
$C000 monitor from your Utility Disk < LOAD "49152",8,1 >. At the
completion of the load, type < SY5 49152 > and hit < RETURN >.
The monitor should be active now.
2) With your backup in the drive and the monitor active, load the
boot file < L "0:*",08 > . When the load is complete,
disassemble memory at $02CB. You'll find a loader routine that
loads in the
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