haven't actually changed any bytes, only their position. Let's
         prepare to make our changes to the disk. Turn off the computer
         and remove Hesmon.
      7) From the utility disk, load and run the Disk Doctor. Place the
         backup in the drive and using the b [b] command read in Track
         3/Sector 0. At position $50 (remember $C050), 80 in decimal
         you'll find the two bytes that we need to flip. These are $D4
         and $01. Remember, these are the bytes in their encrypted form.
         Change these to $01, $D4. You may use the @ key and the decimal
         values. Starting at position 80, change two bytes to 01, 212.
         Hit r  to rewrite the block and y  for yes. This title is
         now broken from protection, and may be fast copied. Because of
         the Block Execute to Track 3/Sector 0, you may not file copy
         this title. The drive code, even though broken, must be in place
         on the disk.
      Loading the original disk produces a rattle free load, and an
      error scan shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64
      Fast Copier produces a non working copy. A backup made with a
      nybbler produces the same non working backup. Before starting to
      work on this program, please make a (non working) backup of the
      original, and a disk log to log the file addresses.

      This break method is presented to add a trick to your arsenal.
      If it is confusing at first, a little studying of the code will
      make the break clear. Print-outs of any confusing code may also
      help to make things clear.
      Working with your backup:
      1) We will start by filling the BAM with zeros so the drive will be
         fooled into believing our backup disk is full. This way we can
         scratch and then save a file back to the  disk without
         overwriting any program code that isn't allocated in the BAM.
         Use this trick whenever you suspect any hidden files not in the
         Load Disk Doctor from the Utility Disk. Place the backup in the
         drive and go to Track 18/Sector 0 using - command. This is the
         BAM sector. Using the @ key, fill position 4 through 71 with
         zeros (@). Skip over 72 to 75 which is the directory track and
         fill 76 through 143 with zeros (@). When finished, rewrite the
         changes to the disk by hitting  for rewrite and  for yes.

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [34]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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