kernal routine FFC3 has been accessed by a JUMP and not a JSR,
it forces an RTS in the code flow. This RTS returns the
protection check to the main program.
4) Defeating this protection scheme is simple. We can place a RTS
at the beginning of the routine. This will short circuit the
protection check completely by sending the program flow back to
the code that called for it originally. Before changing code,
let's find out which file contains the protection check. Looking
over the disk log, we find that the file P99 is the only likely
candidate. The starting address is $6000 and the ending address
is $6FF4. Remove your utility disk from the drive and again
insert the backup in it's place. Double check the file by
loading P99 directly from the backup <> L "P99",08 <>. Again
disassemble code around $6F7A (D 6F7A) and make sure this file
is the correct one that has the protection check. When
satisfied, use the MEMORY command to change the byte at the
address $6F7A (M 6F7A) to a 60. Now scratch and save this file
to your backup. Remember to add one byte to the ending address.
<> S "@0:P99",08,6000,6FF5 <>.
Your backup is now completely broken. It can be fast copied and,
because we have forced the program to not use the protection
check, it can even be file copied. Remember, the Block Execute
(which now is not used) accesses a specific spot on the disk, and
is not picked up by directory files. Finally, note the name placed
on the diskette directory. You'll find it on many programs. Now you
know the secret of XEMAG 2.0 protection.
Four examples using this scheme have been discussed above. We
must assume that you have mastered the techniques used to defeat
those titles. Many titles have been released using Fat Tracks.
Some were relatively simple to break and others were quite
difficult. Some protection programmers have been checking not only
for the Fat Track but also to see if either their computer OR drive
code had been tampered with. This was done by checksumming. If any
sign of tampering was evident, the program refused to run - even if
the break code was technically sound. If you have applied the
methods in Kracker Jax Vol I to a similar protection, and it
refused to work, you can assume they caught you in their code. We
are going to give you examples of how to defeat the drive code,
computer code, and the checksumming. Be advised, these examples
show tricks and techniques that can be used again on other schemes.
Breaking protection involves thought and ingenuity.
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