that reads the value placed in the drive by the protection
        check. This value, in this scheme, is always an $FF. Examine
        code at $0B42. The value is being returned to the computer by a
        Memory Read with a kernal routine. The $FFCF routine brings back
        the value $FF. It is then EORed with $AA which turns it into a
        $55 and then stores it at location $0B65. Our job is to place
        the correct value in $0B65 and disable the routine overwriting
        it. This can be accomplished by placing three NOPs at $0B47
        which will allow the routine to Memory Read the value but not
        place it in computer RAM. All that is left is to place the
        correct value of $55 at $0B65.

        6) Now we have the correct values to plug into the code to
        disable and give the protection check what it wants. The last step
        is to place the changes on the disk. This is best done with a sector
        editor because to scratch and replace the 1985 file will destroy
        necessary code placed on the disk. This code is not accessed in
        the normal fashion, so it will be overwritten if we do a scratch
        and save of the 1985 file. Finish the job by following these

          A) We know the code was originally encrypted, so we must place
             our values on the disk in encrypted form. The three bytes at
             $0B47 and the single byte at $0B65 are the only changes
             needed. Reload the 1985 file <> L" 19*" ,08 <>. Again go to
             location $0B61 and place a 00 in memory. Inspect the three
             bytes at $0B47. They should be 29 7A 91. The byte at $0B65
             should be a A2. These are the bytes we will look for on our
             backup with the sector editor.

          B) The code can now be decrypted by typing G 0BCF. Again the
             screen will turn black. After a few seconds, reset the
             computer and reactivate the monitor with SYS 49152. Using the
             MEMORY command < N 0B47 >, change the code at $0B47 from 8D 65
             0B to EA EA EA. Change the code at $0B65 from A2 to 55.

          C) Now that our changes are in memory, we may re-encrypt the
             file (and our byte changes) by again typing G 0BCF. Again,
             reset out and SYS the monitor back in with SYS 49152 and hit
             RETURN. Examine memory at $0B47 and find the encrypted byte
             changes. They should be 4E F5 70. The byte at $0B65 has
             changed to 5B. Now we know the changes, and the location, so
             we may now do the actual changes to the backup.

          D) Reset the computer and load the sector editor from the
             utility disk < LOAD "DISK DR",8,1 >. When the cursor appears,
             type RUN and hit RETURN. Remove the utility disk and place
             your backup in the drive. Hit RETURN. You will be shown
             track 18, sector 1. By placing the cursor at position 35 you
             will be on the file pointers of the 1985 file. Press the J

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [23]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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