      Loading the original produces a rattle free load, and an error
      scan shows no standard errors. A backup made with the C-64 Fast
      copier or a nybbler produces a non-working copy. Before starting,
      please make a non-working backup of the original.
      Working with your backup:
      1) Start by validating the BAM <> OPEN15,8,15,"V":CLOSE15 <> to
         make room for a new file we will be adding later. Scratch the
         first file from your backup <> OPEN15,8,15,"S0:BOOT":CLOSE15 <>.

      2) Turn off your computer and insert the reset assembly into the
         cartridge port. Turn the computer on again and remove your
         backup from the drive. Insert the utility disk and load the
         $C000 monitor <> LOAD"49152",8,1 <>. After the load, sys in your
         monitor with SYS 49152 and hit RETURN. We want to fill memory
         from $0801-$2000 with EA so, use the FILL command
         <> F 0801 2000 EA <>. We now have a marked work space to load
         our program into. Use the reset button to reset the computer and
         clear the screen.

      Working with your original:
      3) Place a write protect on the original to ensure its safety
         during the breaking process.
      4) Load the boot file and start the load process
         <> LOAD"BOOT",8,1 <>. Allow the program to load until the screen
         clears and then turns blue. At this point, reset the computer.
      5) Remove the original disk from your drive and insert the utility
         disk again. Load The $C000 monitor <> LOAD"49152",8,1 <>. When
         the load is complete, sys the monitor in with SYS 49152. The
         monitor should be active now. Remove the utility disk from the
         drive and replace it with the backup work disk.
      6) Interpret memory starting at $0801 (I 0801). Scroll through
         memory and notice the Basic program. Our task is to repair the
         pointers and save the program to our backup (see Scheme B
         Intro). Using the MEMORY command (M 0801), inspect code at
         $0801. Notice that the first two bytes are 00 00. These two
         bytes represent the start of the next line in this Basic
         program. obviously, these bytes have been destroyed by the reset
         because the next line couldn't be zero. To find the correct

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [18]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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