drive-mon except the P feature is inactive. For printer listings
      of drive memory, send the code to the computer, then the
      printer. O and RETURN sends you back to the computer memory. A
      "]" lets you know you're in drive memory, while a "." denotes
      computer memory. To assemble/disassemble beneath ROMS and the
      VIC CHIP, change location $0002 as if it were $0001. $0001 can't
      be changed through the monitor.

            $0002: $37 = All ROMS in.
            $36 = Bank out BASIC. ($A000-$BFFF)
            $35 = Bank out Kernal & BASIC.
            $30 = Bank in RAM under $D000.
            $31 = Bank in character ROM under $D000.

      Single Track or Whole Disk Formatter
      Selecting input 10 from the main menu will automatically boot this
      feature. This utility has been designed to allow you to fast format
      either a single track (perfect for creating 29 Errors) or the whole
      disk. When the menu appears, you may select an option by using the
      cursor or number keys to move the arrow pointer. Use the RETURN key
      to activate your selection. The following keystrokes represent your
        1.  Format one track.
            F1/F2 : Increment or decrement to proper track.
                F : You will be prompted for a two character ID number.

      Formatting will follow.

                R : Return to format menu.
          Restore : Return to menu at any input pause.
        2.  Standard Format.
            You will be prompted for new name and ID number. Five
            characters are accepted. The last two characters will become
            the true disk ID Numbers.

        3.  Directory diskette in drive.

        4.  Exit back to Hacker's Utility Kit main menu.

      Disk File Logger

      At the "Log Which Files?" prompt, either press RETURN to accept the
      "*" default (which will log all files) or enter an individual
      filename to log that file.


               Log Which Files? : *  = log all files

               Log Which Files? : B* = log all file starting with "B"

            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [159]    (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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