Make sure all of the original code from $078E - $07FF is left
      Now write all the code to the work copy by inserting your work
      copy into the drive and entering:
         ]:0006 12 04 12 07 12 0A 12 0C
         ]:000E 12 0D
         ]:0000 90 90 90 90 90
      That's all there is to it! Enjoy your backup copy.
                     < < <  PROTECTION SCHEME #1  > > >
      Protection scheme #1 is a simple routine that creates DOS error
      # 22: DATA BLOCK NOT FOUND. This is accomplished by reading a
      sector on disk, changing the default data block ID (normally $07)
      in drive memory $0047 to a new value, then rewriting the data block
      using the new data block ID. Please note that any good nybbler can
      reproduce this protection type.
      There are two simple ways for a programmer to use this type of
      copy protection. One way is to create the error, and check that the
      error is present at that sector. The other method is to create the
      error in a sector that contains data imperative to the operation of
      the program. Only a specialized routine can read in the data if the
      error is present. If the error isn't present, the routine written
      to pull the sector will not operate correctly and the data will be
      left behind. Let's start with this type.
      22 Error - Data Recovery
      The new data block ID is a GCR value whose high bit (bit 7) must
      equal zero; therefore, the new ID can have one of the following
      range of values:
               Dec           Hex
              0 - 7       $00 - $07
              9 - 31      $09 - $1F
             64 - 95      $40 - $5F
            112 - 127     $70 - $7F
            192 - 207     $C0 - $CF
      Any attempt to read a sector with a non-standard data block ID
      will fail unless the default value in drive memory $0047 is changed
      to the new data block ID value.
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [141]    (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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