A 02ED JMP $02A7   ;change JMP $4000 to our new code
         : 0302 CC 02       ;new entry point for auto-boot ($02CC)
         A 02C3 JSR $C9F1   ;fire up the drive code
           02C6 JMP $4000   ;continue execution
         : 02F0 4C 41       ;our new file name ("LA")
         A 02B2 LDX #$F0    ;point load to our new file name

      Together,these changes will load the "(C) 1988 EPYX" file and
      our new "LA" file, activate the drive code, and start-up the
      program. Now we must copy the routine over the original. Enter the
      drive monitor and load T/S $12/$02 into drive memory $0500. Copy
      our new code into the drive by entering:

         TC 02A7 0300 0504

      Re-write the modified sector to the backup diskette. Return to
      computer monitor and insert the work disk containing our $4000 file
      and load it. Switch out BASIC (place a $36 at computer location $02
      when using Kracker-Mon), insert your LAC backup copy, and save the
      file, naming it "LA". A directory of the diskette should show 0
      blocks free. Your backup copy is now completed.

      < < < V-MAX! v1.? > > >
      When V-MAX! first appeared on the copy protection scene, one
      could stay up late at night and almost hear the endless nocturnal
      muttering from every protection removal expert in the country. With
      two, and sometimes three levels of physical disk protection, here
      was a formidable foe, indeed! We have identified two major
      versions of V-MAX!. Information on the last modifications of V1 is
      included in this Tutorial.
      LEVEL 1:
      Protection level 1 is the method of storage of the custom fast
      loader code on a V-MAX! formatted disk. On the master disk, the
      drive code is pre-processed by submitting each byte of the drive
      code to a routine that generates two GCR bytes for each drive
      code hex byte. This is then attached to a series of carefully
      chosen bytes and written to a track (usually track 20) on the
      master disk in one disk revolution. The only way to reproduce
      this track is with a hardware-based copier.
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [134]    (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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