track 18. How are we going to trap that drive code so we can use it
on an un-protected disk?
Clearly, we must let the routine continue and interrupt it at
the right moment. Study the code. The protected drive code is
stored from $0300 through $06FF by the routine. At $01AD, a JSR
$03BE is executed. Since this is the first call made to the newly
loaded drive code, this seems a good place to stop it. Again, place
a 'JMP $F969' at $01AD. To continue execution of the code, place a
'JMP $0160' at $0500 and place $E0 in drive job queue $02. After
the drive motor shuts down, disassemble the code at $0300 -
Now we need to save it. Insert your backup copy and initialize
the disk (@I). The error-scan shows that there are several unused
directory sectors on side 1 so we can safely save our
newly-captured code to these - we'll use sectors 15 - 18 ($0F -
$12). Using the drivemon, place the following bytes into job queue
$06 - $0D: 12 0F 12 10 12 11 12 12. Then place $90 (write job) into
job queue $00, $01, $02, and $03. Wait until the drive motor shuts
off. The needed drive code is now stored on your backup disk.
The next step is to trap and save the decrypted code on T/S
$12/$06 and write a short routine to load up our four drive code
sectors. Again, read T/S $12/$06 into drive memory $0500 and place
"JMP $F969" at $0522. Place $E0 in drive job queue $02 to decrypt
the code. Transfer the decrypted code from $0160 - $01FF to $0560.
Our new start-up routine at $0500 will load the four drive code
sectors using the DOS job queue. Use the assembly capability of the
monitor to enter the following into drive memory:
]A 0500: SEI
], 0501: LDX 10 ;move code to a safe place
], 0503: LDA $0500,X
], 0506: STA $0700,X
], 0509: INX
], 050A: BNE $0503
], 050C: JNP $070F ;continue execution
Transfer the code from $0500 - $05FF to $0700. Continue entering
code at $070F:
]A 070F: LDX #$0D ;load up the job queue with T/S
], 0711: LDA $0740,X ;numbers and read commands ($80)
], 0714: STA $00,X
], 0716: DEX
], 0717: BPL $0711
], 0719: LDX #$03 ;wait until all sectors have
], 071B: LDA $00,X ;been loaded
], 071D: BMI $071B
], 071F: DEX
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