to be written a special way that Commodore DOS doesn't understand.
But we CAN patch the code after it's loaded. The best place is at
the end of "(C) 1987 EPYX" file, which ends at $7F73. Use the
drivemon to load the last sector of the "(C) 1987 EPYX" file (T/S
18/5 or $12/$05). Change the JMP $67E9 at position $23 to read:
JMP $7F73 ($4C $73 $7F). See the Rad Warrior section elsewhere in
this manual for details on the use of the drivemon for this
Then add the following at position $72:
LDA #$60 ; An "RTS"
STA $6909 ;is placed at top of
JMP $67E9 ;of protection check
;and then JMP
You also must alter the last-byte pointer at position 1 in the
sector to reflect our added code (from $72 to $7A) so that it
loads properly. Write the sector back to the nybbled backup and
boot it.
It worked! The protection check is bypassed.
< < < RAINBIRD : TRACKER > > >
Examination and analysis of the protection code in "Tracker"
(TK) is a frustrating process: there are many, MANY code transfer
and decryption routines. It is very easy to get lost and
eventually one gets tired of tracing this nonsense. There must be
an easier way.
There is. But first, make a FAST COPY of your original TK and
then boot it several times in a row so you are familiar with the
sequence of events that occur during the load. It's especially
important to listen carefully to the drive while the program is
loading so you get the "feel" or sense of rhythm of the loading
process. Timing is critical to discovering the protection check.
Let's examine the loading process. The auto-boot routine blanks
the screen, there is some disk activity, then nothing for about 5
seconds. The title screen appears and the load continues. After
about 45 seconds the screen again blanks and the drive shuts off.
Thirty seconds later the drive activates and you can hear the
drive head swing a long distance across the disk and back again. If
you are loading from the original disk, the first game screen will
appear. Otherwise, a backup copy will produce garbage. So we can,
for now, assume that the protection check occurred sometime during
that long head swing.
The next step is to find the protection code. Repeat the loading
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