$6909 reveals several calls to the load routines in screen memory,
followed by a comparison to a byte value at $6925. If the byte
doesn't match, the code branches to $692E, where it executes an
undocumented opeode ($02) that sends the computer into an infinite
loop. What would happen if we just bypassed this code altogether?
Again, we'll have to patch the backup disk.
But where is this code? Try to find it with the Byte Pattern
Searcher. No Go, Joe! Epyx' fast load routine requires the disk
data to be written a special way that Commodore DOS doesn't
understand. But we CAN patch the code after it's loaded into the
computer. Use the drivemon to load the last sector of the "(C)
1987 EPYX" file (18/5 or $12/$05). With the Kracker-Mon in drive
mode, initialize the drive and place a $12 in location $06 and a
$05 in location $07. By placing an $80 in location $00 and pressing
RETURN, you can read the sector into the $0300 buffer in the
Change the JMP $67E9 at position $031D to read:
A9 60 LDA #$60 ;An "RTS"
8D 09 69 STA $6909 ;is placed at top of
4C E9 67 JMP $67E9 ;of protection check
;and then JMP
You must also alter the last-byte pointer at position $0301 in
the sector to reflect our added code (from $031F to $0324) so that
it loads properly. Write the sector back (place a $90 in position
$00 and press RETURN) to the nybbled backup and boot it. It
The protection check is bypassed.
< < < EPYX : SPIDERBOT > > >
Epyx, like many other major companies, uses many different
protection schemes in their software releases. The complexity of
the protection is usually directly related to anticipated sales of
the release. Hence, their "U.S. Gold" and "Maxx Out" (bargain
division) series are easily nybbled, with only a few requiring a
(usually) short parameter. "Spiderbot" is one of these: it appears
that the protection on this title was designed to thwart only
software-based nybblers. The actual protection is easy to disable
once you find it.
You will need the following:
1) An original "Spiderbot" (SB) diskette.
2) A backup copy of SB using any good nybbler.
3) A disk log of the SB disk to get the load addresses.
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