610 Open a channel to the drive.
620 Send a Block Execute command to the drive. CHR$(66)=B,
CHR$(44)=-, CHR$(69)=E. In other words read Track 34, Sector
8 from the disk and send it to a buffer in the drive.
Execute that code starting at the first byte.
630 Close channels: RETURN to GOSUB that called the check in
line 65.
3) Let's examine the Block Execute code. From the utility disk,
load the program called BLOCK READ. < LOAD "BLOCK READ",8,1 >.
list the code and in line 10 set the TRack to 34 and the Sector
to 8. Place the backup in the drive and type RUN. The drive will
read the proper block and transfer the code to $C000 in the
computer memory. When the READY prompt comes up, hit
RUNSTOP/RESTORE to enter the monitor.
4) Begin disassembly at $C000 < D C000 >. Examine the code from
$C015-$C02A. The drive reads Track 35/Sector 0 through the job
Queue. The Error message is read at position $00 and if equal
to $02 (header block not found), the code falls through and
places a value of $7F at $003B in the drive and returns to the
BASIC program that called the B-E in the first place. If the
check is not satisfied, a Branch is taken to $C038 which causes
the head to go to track one and go in an endless loop.
5) The break is now quite simple. If we place two NOPs at $C029
and $C030, the code will not be able to Branch and must fall
through even if the protection doesn't pass. The changes can be
made with Disk Dr. Power down and remove your Hesmon cartridge.
Power up and with the Utility Disk in the drive,
< LOAD "DISK D*",8,1 >. Use the < b > command to read in Track
34/Sector 8 from the backup. At pos $29 (decimal 41) you'll
find the BNE command. Using the <@> key, change position 41 and
42 to 234 ($EA=NOP).
6) This title is now broken and can be fast copied with any data
copier. Because it still uses the B-E command, you will not be
able to file copy. One way to possibly break the B-E code might
be to store the $7F at $3B in the drive using a M-W
(Memory-Write) command. Replace the B-E in the ME file with a
M-W (Line 620). We will leave this to you as an exercise for
further practice.
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