A) Change the address $C08F from 4C 11 C3 (JHP C311) to 4C 45 C3
          (JMP C345). This will jump the program flow completely around
          the protection check (our choice).
       B) Change $C33A and $C342 from 20 8A C3 (JSR C38A) to EA EA EA.
          This will erase the JSR to the error check.
       C) Change $C397 from F0 0A (BEQ reset address) to EA BA. This
          will erase the branch to the crash and the program flow will
          be forced to continue on.
       D) Change $C395 from C9 30 (CMP 30) to C9 32. This will force
          the program to crash if an error IS found.
      After your changes are made, you will have a completely broken
      copy that can be fast copied and even file copied.
                      THE SLUGGER : MASTERTRONIC
      Loading the original produces a drive rattle. An error scan
      shows write errors on the original. A backup made with the C-64
      Fast Copier produces a non-working copy.
      Working with your backup:
      1) Checking the disk log shows us the boot file is in Basic memory
         so let's start by loading it <> LOAD "THE SLUGGER",8: <>. List
         it and examine the loader. It loads various files and then does
         a SYS 514 ($0202). The disk log again tells us the address $0202
         is the start of the GOFILE file.
      2) Turn the computer off and install the reset assembly into the
         cartridge port. Turn the computer back on, and from your utility
         disk, load the $2000 monitor <> LOAD "8192",8,1 <>. Sys it in
         with SYS 8192. Now from your backup, load the GOFILE file
         <> L "GOFILE",08 <>. Start disassembly at $0202 (D 0202). Scroll
         down through the code and notice that this file loads the CODE
         file and Jumps to $0340.
      3) From the backup, load the CODE file <> L "CODE",08 <>. Start
         disassembly at $0340 (D 0340). The disassembly is given in the
         sections below. Try to follow along as we go through it.
        A) $0340-$036A : Opens the error channel to the drive.
        B)  $036B-$037D : Sends U1 (Block Read) command to the drive to
            K.J. REVEALED TRILOGY    PAGE [10]     (C)1990 K.J.P.B.

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